Many self-employed individuals work from home. Some employed persons need a bit of space at home to perform duties for their employer. Prospective home buyers who need space for their business activities can evaluate available houses based on how suitable each property is for a home office.
A home office is not only a place to work, as it may also result in a tax deduction. To be deductible, the area must be used exclusively for your business activity.
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If you own a house, condo, or other property, you most likely understand that real estate is a large investment. Since it is such a large investment, you may want to sell to recoup some of your financial investment. Unfortunately, most owners are not fully prepared for the selling process. Hiring real estate agents is essential, since these professionals understand the market and can help you and your buyers work through the legalities.
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Only about 15 percent of American adults are smokers, which means that if you smoke and are attempting to sell your home, its smell may be unpleasant to the bulk of people interested in buying it. This doesn't mean that you should avoid trying to sell your home, but it does mean that you should take some steps to remove the odor of smoke before your property goes on the market.
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Buying a fixer-upper to rent out may seem like a good idea on the surface, but are you sure that you are ready to make the leap? Purchasing a home to rent out is tough enough on its own, but to also work on fixing it up before that? You may need additional support to complete this project and see it to success. Analyzing the pros and cons will help you arrive at the best decision for you and your family.
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Your first home will likely always be special to you, but the time will come where you are ready to sell and move on. Being a first-time home seller can be confusing and frustrating if you don't know what to expect. If you're planning to sell your first home soon, use the following tips:
Have a Home Inspection Done
You may remember ordering a home inspection as a buyer before you closed on your first home, but a home inspection can also be a very valuable tool for a seller.
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