3 Reasons You Need The Best Realtor When Buying A House During A Seller's Market
ShareHave you heard of the term "seller's market?" If you want to buy a house, you should learn what this means. A seller's market refers to a time when it is highly beneficial for homeowners to sell their houses. During this time, homes sell fast and for higher amounts. This time makes it more challenging for people to find homes to buy. Therefore, you will need a realtor if you want to buy a house during a seller's market. Here are three reasons to find a realtor as you begin looking for a home to buy.
1. To Find Listings Before Others
Your realtor will find home listings for you before other agents find them. Great agents keep their eyes on the MLS for listings, and they often know about listings before they hit the MLS. If you cannot find listings until a day or two after sellers post them, it might be too late. Someone might already have an offer on these houses. Therefore, you will need an aggressive agent that finds listings before other agents find them.
2. To Learn About Pocket Listings
Another vital thing to know about is pocket listings. A pocket listing is like a secret home listing. The house is not actually listed for sale on the market, yet the homeowner wants to sell it. Homeowners sometimes list through pocket listings when they do not want everyone to know about the sale. Your realtor might know about some pocket listings that you would like to see. If so, this could be a great way to buy a house during a seller's market.
3. To Make Offers Sight Unseen
Great realtors also know how to get bids in that stick, as this is hard to do during a seller's market. One option is to make an offer for a home that you have not yet viewed. You can put in an offer sight-unseen with a contingency that provides a way out if you do not like the house. By putting an offer in immediately without seeing a home, you have a chance to buy it before others, so this is an option you could consider using when buying a house during a time like this.
Buying a house during a seller's market is more challenging than buying a home at other times. If you have questions about buying a house or hiring the best realtor for your needs, contact a real estate office today.