Having Trouble Selling Your Home? What You Can Do

15 September 2017
 Categories: Real Estate, Blog


If your house has been on the market for some time, it could be for a number of reasons. First, it could be that it is just a bad market. If there's a number of houses for sale, your home may just not be catching anyone's eye. Maybe your house isn't visible enough on social media or on listing web-sites, or the listing price is just too high. See below for some things you can do to sell your home.

Lower The Price

If possible, lower the listing price of your home. Look around at comparable homes around you and see what they are selling for and what houses around you have sold for. Don't sell yourself too short though, you don't want to end up with zero profit after selling your home, so don't go too low on that price. Consult your realtor about what price you can lower it to.

Share Your House On Social Media

Social media can go a long way, especially in real estate. Share your house for sale along with photos and a link to the realtor's listing. Ask your friends and family to share your photo and link and watch to see how far it goes. Share on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and even on local garage sale websites if you can.

Make Some Updates

Make a few updates to your home to garner some interest in your house. Power wash the siding to clean it up and make it look like new again. Change the mailbox and install a brand new one with new house numbers. Keep the lawn trimmed and fertilized so it looks more like lush green grass than a weed garden. Add some new flowers in the flower garden or split up the ones you have so it doesn't look overgrown. Also remove tree limbs that are hanging too low near the house. These limbs could be blocking the view of the house, or scratching up the siding. It's best to remove any shrubbery blocking your home so there's a clear view of the house from the road.

Get A New Realtor

If you don't feel like your realtor is helping you sell your home, it may be time to look for a new one. If you aren't comfortable with your realtor, or your realtor isn't giving you any feedback from what potential buyers are saying in order to help you sell your home, look for a realtor that will. It's OK to shop around for a realtor, so ask around and find one that you you do feel comfortable working with.

Selling your home can be stressful, especially if it's been on the market for quite some time. Talk to your realtor about what you can do and follow the tips above to help get your home sold.