Beehive Removal: The Basics Of A Proper Removal Process And The Consequences Of An Improper Removal

6 January 2015
 Categories: , Articles


Honeybees are an important part of the ecosystem, as they are responsible for pollinating all flowering plants. Although they are a vital part of the ecosystem, most people do not appreciate having honeybee hives in the proximity of their homes, as honeybees do sting when they feel threatened or attacked. Luckily, the human body can tolerate at least 10 stings per pound of body weight. Still, removing the beehive may be in the best interest for your family. Spend the extra money and hire a professional as improper removal can lead to serious consequences.

What Should You Look For?

Removing simply the honeybees with a pesticide is not enough. It is important to also remove all traces of the nest, which may mean that contractors need to be called in to remove some parts of the inner wall or cavity, and to dispose of the dead honeybees properly. In addition, all holes that lead to the hive need to be plugged up immediately in order to prevent other bees from other colonies from visiting and taking over, especially since beeswax emits a highly attractive odor that attracts all bees in the surrounding area.

Needless to say, removing the entire beehive is rather tedious, and can take a long time. It is important that extreme caution is taken to prevent other honeybees from visiting the area. As a result, call a professional exterminator, as he or she will be able to get the job done efficiently and effectively based on the architectural structure of your home, the size of the beehive and many additional factors.

How Should the Beehive Be Removed?

The beehive removal should be done at dusk or dawn when all of the bees have returned back to the hive. There are many different methods that can be implemented for removing the beehive. Some exterminators will use pesticide sprays, as they are able to knock the honeybees unconscious quickly for removal, or even dust formulations that are then pumped into an enclosed nest. Soapy water has also been known to be effective.

Once the bees are no longer a problem, the exterminators will need to get to work in removing all presence of the beehive and the beeswax with various tools like a knife. Buckets will be required for storing and removing the honeycombs.

What Are Some of The Consequences of an Improper Removal? 

If the job is not done right, you may be facing larger consequences that may lead to other colonies invading the beehive or even structural damage to the inner areas of your home. If you only kill the bees with a pesticide without removing the bodies, you will be facing the following consequences:

  • the dead honeybees will emit a strong odor that attracts other pests and honeybees to the site who may even move into the site. The strong odor of decay may eventually drift into your home, and become rather unpleasant; 
  • remaining honey and honeycombs will absorb moisture and begin to ferment, resulting in a strong and unpleasant odor; 
  • remaining honey may begin to overheat as there are no adult honeybees around to tend to it. This can result in burst cappings, and the honey may begin to leak into the ceilings and the walls causing staining and sticky puddles to form. The remaining honey may also end up destroying the internal support structures of the home. These damages tend to be irreparable; and,
  • remaining honeycomb and beeswax may attract honeybees from the surrounding colonies, and cause them to take over the beehive causing a recurring problem.


If you have noticed a beehive on your property, you want to call an exterminator as soon as possible before the colony grows and the beehive expands in size. Fully familiarizing with proper and improper removal techniques can help you determine whether the exterminator is truly doing a good job. You do not want any residue to be left behind due to the immense amount of damage that it can do. Go to websites like the one in this link to learn more about beehive removal services.